About the Institute
The Canadian portal and the destination for intelligence, research and learning on agriculture, aquaculture and food
What is the Canadian Agri-Food Foresight Institute?
The Canadian Agri-Food Foresight Institute is primarily designed to both broaden and deepen food knowledge. It’s the first Institute in the country devoted solely to tackling our country’s food issues along the entire agriculture and food continuum by collecting, monitoring, mining data continuously, in Canada’s both official languages.
Proven analytical tools are the cornerstone guiding our studies to discover, interpret and communicate significative trends found in the gathered data. Our goal is to better understand the future of food.
The primary focus is on the Canadian market while acknowledging that disrupting forces can come from abroad. Nationally and internationally the food landscape is changing fast and it is imperative to better understand the future of food and how we can connect agriculture and food communities (from farmers to consumers, including processing and distribution) together.
CAFI offers best access to current food knowledge and expertise to drive understanding, innovation and action on the world’s food issues.
To understand current agri-food systems and their evolution.
Be a portal and THE destination for intelligence, research and learning on agriculture, aquaculture and food
Dr. Sylvain Charlebois
Scientific Director
Favorite dish : Gröstl (Austrian classic)
Janèle Vézeau
Executive Director
Favorite dish : Seafood chowder